Why Doctor Strange Might Be The Most Powerful Marvel Film Yet #DoctorStrangeEvent
Disclosure: This event and trip to LA was an all expense paid journey sponsored by Disney. All thoughts, opinions and experiences are 100% my own!
Why Doctor Strange Might Be The Most Powerful Marvel Film Yet #DoctorStrangeEvent
It’s FRIDAY!! Exciting just because: Friday! …but this Friday is extra special because it also happens to be the release date for Doctor Strange and I can’t wait to take my family to see this film tonight! Wondering if this film is right for you and your family? Marvel fans already have this one on the agenda, I’m sure but maybe you aren’t a Marvel fan? This might be the perfect movie to draw you into the Marvel Universe, and let me tell you why.
First of all, if you are not yet a Marvel fan, that is ok. Just a few years into Marvel films, I’m quite new to the scene myself. This film stands alone and you won’t need prior Marvel knowledge to enjoy it.
Doctor Strange has a great story line, great action scenes and surprisingly enough a wonderful message for all of us, especially young adults. I was so pleasantly surprised to see such strong messages in this film, and even more so to find out that Director Scott Derrickson intentionally included them (and is quite proud of them!).
If you are a Marvel fan, get ready for an amazing ride and without a doubt the best visual effects in a Marvel movie to date. This film is unique in everything from fight scenes to demolition scenes (mind blowing) and while it still has the familiar level of humor tied into on the edge of your seat excitement, they somehow found a way to tell this story that will leave you feeling connected to the 60’s comic books and yet, feeling like you are seeing cutting edge film production at it’s very finest. Honestly, I think this might be the best visual effects film that I have ever seen. Warning: Don’t hurt your neck (or your brain!) trying to keep up with all the action!
Is it all action? No. Also threaded into this film are relationships, personal growth and a very loud (yet quietly told) message about our commitment to each other and our earth and I have to say, it could not come at a better time. I won’t spoil it for you, but you will know the moments that these messages appear in the film, and you can bet they will start conversations. I’m so excited about the conversations that I will be able to have with my kids after we see this film!
Read more Doctor Strange interviews:
Perfectly cast, this film offers something for everyone. I recently shared my cast interviews on the blog and you can read them to find out what each cast member thought of their role in this film and I think that you will find that their love for this film is pretty exciting. Go here to read my Doctor Strange cast member interviews including Tilda Swinton (“The Ancient One”), Benedict Cumberbatch (“Doctor Strange”) Rachel McAdams (“Christine Palmer”) Mads Mikkelsen (“Kaeciliusand”) and also my interview with Director Scott Derrickson.
Who is this film appropriate for?
This film is rated PG-13. I would have to say that it is probably similar to Ant-Man in age appropriateness. There is a pretty horrific car accident (but also great lessons that can come out of discussing the accident) but most of the fighting is kung-fu in style, exciting but not bloody or difficult to watch. Obviously, I think it is up to each parent as to how different children will handle things like this but my kids 9 and 11 will be seeing the film and I feel very good about that.
Doctor Strange Trailer
I can’t wait for you all to see this film, and in the meantime, here’s a sneak peek:
Photo credits: Disney
Make sure to keep up with all of the Doctor Strange excitement with hashtag: #DoctorStrangeEvent
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DOCTOR STRANGE opens in theatres everywhere TODAY!!
Meet the author – Keri Lyn
The creative and frugal mind behind She Saved for over 12 years now, Keri Lyn shares her adventures in parenting along with her love for family travel, country living and brand marketing. A self-proclaimed “brand loyalist”, Keri Lyn is known for her strong and enthusiastic voice when it comes to the products and brands that she loves. She Saved has become a community for like-minded consumers who appreciate saving money, time and sanity by getting the best deals on quality products and experiences.