Take The Grown Up Test! The Little Prince on Netflix Today! #StreamTeam
Isn’t the above quote card wonderful? My friends at Netflix had this created in celebration of a quote from my daughter Lauren. I love it so much. We have partnered with them to share with your the release of The Little Prince Movie exclusively on Netflix.
Are you familiar with The Little Prince? I have carried this book around with me since college. It is one of the few things that has made every move with me. It was one of my grandmother’s favorites, and it is just one of those books that speaks right to your heart.
“Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.” ~ The Little Prince
Take the Grown Up Test
As a Netflix Stream Team member I am so excited to share with you our review of this movie, along with a really fun Grown-up Test. Take a moment to take it and see where you are on the “grown-up” chart.
I was pleased to find out that I am only slightly grown up….
and was happy (and a bit jealous) when both of my kids took the test to reveal that they both got:
Go here to take the Grown-up Test for yourself, how grown up are you?
It is my wish you for you that you still have quite a bit of growing up to do 🙂
The Little Prince Movie
If you love quotes and thoughts and deep insight about simple things (right!!??) then you will love this movie. If you love the book, then you will love the movie. My kids hadn’t yet read the book, as I mistakingly assumed that they were too young for it. Now, after watching the movie together, I see that a child’s mind is actually probably more likely to understand this film. On that same note, I was concerned that the movie would not make sense to them, but it was actually just the opposite. They completely understood the storyline and when we discussed the details after watching the movie, they both totally understood the message. It is both simple (childlike) and profound (deep thoughts).
This is a wonderful movie to watch with your kids. It follows the journey of a young girl as the story of The Little Prince is revealed to her. Beautifully done, this film has many moments that will touch your (hopefully not too grown-up) heart.
“Growing up is not the problem. Forgetting is.” ~ The Little Prince
The Little Prince Trailer
Watch this trailer to get a glimpse at how this movie will grab your heart and make you wish that you could go back to your 8 year old self. It might also remind you that you actually might be able to ….
Meet the author – Keri Lyn
The creative and frugal mind behind She Saved for over 12 years now, Keri Lyn shares her adventures in parenting along with her love for family travel, country living and brand marketing. A self-proclaimed “brand loyalist”, Keri Lyn is known for her strong and enthusiastic voice when it comes to the products and brands that she loves. She Saved has become a community for like-minded consumers who appreciate saving money, time and sanity by getting the best deals on quality products and experiences.
I want to take the grown up test ( even though I know Im not).
can you please send/email me a link I can’t find it when I click on it it doesn’t work!
Thank you!! Love your spirit! Martha