She Shops | Garage Sale Finds
Did you go garage sailing (my personal fancy name for it) this weekend? You know what they say: One man’s trash is another man’s treasure …. well, we found some great treasures this weekend, and I thought I would share our haul.
We spent a total of $4.50 and got the following (shown): A cute little metal bucket/tin for my daughter to put her hair bows and clips in, an Easter Tree (yea, I know… not so necessary, but this was my daughters pick and she loves it!) and then my son picked out a really neat brand new/unopened game called Big World Atlas that actually looks really neat, and retails for $25 on Amazon here. He was also super excited to get a new ball pump (because you can never have enough of these when you are an 8 year old boy who loves every kind of ball, and can never find a ball pump when you need one!) and then I also let them each pick out a book:
My family enjoys going to garage sales together for many reasons. For one, it has been wonderful in teaching my children the value of a dollar. It has also helped them to understand not only saving and spending, but has also shown them that we can get creative as a family because we often discover old things that we can make new again, like this candle holder that we repurposed into a fish bowl last year.
What great garage sale finds have you found lately?
Meet the author – Keri Lyn
The creative and frugal mind behind She Saved for over 12 years now, Keri Lyn shares her adventures in parenting along with her love for family travel, country living and brand marketing. A self-proclaimed “brand loyalist”, Keri Lyn is known for her strong and enthusiastic voice when it comes to the products and brands that she loves. She Saved has become a community for like-minded consumers who appreciate saving money, time and sanity by getting the best deals on quality products and experiences.