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Behind the Scenes: My Visit to Marvel’s Agent Carter Set

Disclosure: Disney provided me with an all expense paid trip to Los Angeles in exchange for my coverage of this and other releases. No other compensation is given. As always, all opinions, experiences, memories and character crushes are 100% my own.

Agent Carter Set

Marvel fans!!

As Season 2 of Agent Carter is now in it’s second week, I am excited to share more of my Agent Carter behind the scenes adventures with you! Last week, I shared with you my interviews with Hayley Atwell (plays agent Peggy Carter), Edwin Jarvis (plays James D’Arcy) and executive producers Tara Butters and Michele Fazekas. This week I am sharing with you my tours of the Agent Carter sets as well as the costume design area and wardrobe storage.

Agent Carter

I LOVE being on movie and television sets. You start to realize that the reason that these shows are so believable to watch is because they are made to look so real. So many tiny details that make them look just as they would if they were actually from the era that they are portraying. The set of Agent Carter is no exception. It is fascinating. From the desks to the artwork on the walls, so awesome:

Agent Carter 1
Photo credits: ABC/MARVEL
Agent Carter 2
Photo credits: ABC/MARVEL

I loved wandering around the sets and buildings of Agent Carter. You might recognize some of these places from past episodes!

Agent Carter 3
Photo credits: ABC/MARVEL

We then had to opportunity to visit the studio warehouse where all of the costume and wardrobe magic happens under the direction of Costume Designer Gigi Melton.

Gigi has a pretty neat and important job in making sure that all characters have the appropriate attire for their roles. And, as you might guess, it would never work to just have ONE of each outfit. They carefully catalog and care for outfits for each character, and try to keep at least three of each outfit on hand because, well, things happen. Skirts rip, buttons pop off, coffee gets spilled… and it’s Gigi’s job to have those spare articles and accessories on hand for repairs and replacements when necessary.

Agent Carter 7
Photo credits: ABC/MARVEL

Staying true to the fashion of the time is important as well, and that takes a lot of research and discovery. Some vintage items are purchased and many are made right here in the costuming department.

Agent Carter 5
Photo credits: ABC/MARVEL
Agent Carter 4
Photo credits: ABC/MARVEL

About the Red Hat

Stetson Agent Carter HatOne of my favorite bits of information that Gigi shared with us was about Agent Carter’s notorious red hat. Upon first reading the script, Gigi read that Agent Carter was walking in a sea of gray hats. Her red hat obviously stood out, but Gigi knew that it had to make a strong and equal statement, thus it was designed by Gigi to resemble the men’s fedoras of this time period.

You can actually purchase this very hat on the Stetson website where they sell it as the Aviatrix. Gigi actually designed it in coordination with Stetson’s 150th anniversary and the one that they sell is almost identical to the one that Agent Carter wears.

And of course… my VERY favorite part of our behind the scene’s visit to the Agent Carter set was the opportunity to try on Agent Carter’s iconic red hat. So.

Agent Carter Keri Lyn

Peggy Carter Costume Ideas

Now that I think about it, an Agent Carter costume would be brilliant for Halloween! If you are looking to make a Peggy Carter outfit and do a little Captain Carter cosplay, this would be such a fun and easy costume to put together. Obviously the red hat is key if you are going for more of a daytime or dress up look. There are so many different ways that you could pull a Peggy Carter Costume together but I do think that the red hat is essential, don’t you? 


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Make sure to catch all of the Agent Carter excitement on Tuesday nights on ABC!

MARVEL’S Agent Carter Season 2 on ABC NOW!

Meet the author – Keri Lyn

The creative and frugal mind behind She Saved for over 12 years now, Keri Lyn shares her adventures in parenting along with her love for family travel, country living and brand marketing. A self-proclaimed “brand loyalist”, Keri Lyn is known for her strong and enthusiastic voice when it comes to the products and brands that she loves. She Saved has become a community for like-minded consumers who appreciate saving money, time and sanity by getting the best deals on quality products and experiences.

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