Home / She Shared / Best Buy LG Front-Load Laundry Benefits, Savings + MORE!

Best Buy LG Front-Load Laundry Benefits, Savings + MORE!

*Disclosure: I was compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card for sharing this information with you. Any opinions are 100% my own.

LG Front-Load Laundry Benefits, Savings + MORE!

When it comes to laundry, I think all moms can agree that we can use all the help that we can get. It’s an overwhelming task and I’ll take any and all help that I can get. I’ve partnered with Best Buy to share some of the latest front-load machines, including the highly rated LG models.

We’ve been shopping new washer and dryers and let me tell you, the choices are tough to narrow down but as usual, we can count on the Best Buy Blue Shirt experts to help us make our informed decisions. Do you own or have you considered a front-load washer?

Look at this laundry room, it’s my dream:

What do you look for when it comes to your dream laundry room?

Did you know that the cleaning performance within a front-load washer is said to be better than top-load models? On top of that, front-loaders will typically use less water and also consume less electricity and because the washer also spins faster to help keep clothes drier to reduce overall drying time. Drying time is definitely a plus for me, as I can’t tell you how many times we have literally had to wait for clothes to finish drying before we go somewhere. These front-load machines promise to be some of the most energy efficient, which means more money in your pocket = awesome!

I also love that with all of the newer options and choices, you can find the perfect washer/dryer pair to find into your space perfectly.

SideKick compatible!

Many of these machines are also SideKick compatible which means that you can add additional capacity which mens that you can wash TWO loads at once!! As an added bonus, right now when you purchase an LG Front-Load Washer and SideKick you can save an additional $150! Get details on that here.

See the nice selection of LG Front-Loading Washers here on the Best Buy site!

Stop in to a Best Buy store today, it’s always a fun experience!

If you are looking to make some changes, I highly recommend an in-store visit to a Best Buy store. They have such friendly and helpful employees. I love sharing this information with all of you because I also love learning more about it myself. I would love to hear what things you are doing in your home to save energy and money and I will continue to share our journey as well!


Meet the author – Keri Lyn

The creative and frugal mind behind She Saved for over 12 years now, Keri Lyn shares her adventures in parenting along with her love for family travel, country living and brand marketing. A self-proclaimed “brand loyalist”, Keri Lyn is known for her strong and enthusiastic voice when it comes to the products and brands that she loves. She Saved has become a community for like-minded consumers who appreciate saving money, time and sanity by getting the best deals on quality products and experiences.

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