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Strolling Through Time in the Walt Disney Archives

Disney Archives


Disclosure: This event and trip to LA was an all expense paid journey sponsored by Disney. All thoughts, experiences, opinions and character crushes are 100% my own!

Strolling Through Time in the Walt Disney Archives

Last week, I travelled to LA to attend a press junket with 24 other bloggers for the film TOMORROWLAND.

This included a press screening of the film, sit down interviews cast members (you can read my George Clooney interview and my Britt Roberson interview – and be on the lookout for more cast and director/producer interviews coming soon!) and it also included a visit to the Walt Disney Archives on the Walt Disney Studio lot.

Legends Plaza


One of my very favorite places on earth (really!) is the Walt Disney Studio lot.

Not only is it where years and years of magic has taken place, but it is rich in history and deep Disney tradition and great meaning.

The photo above shows you the view from Legends Plaza looking up at The Team Disney Building.

Directly across from this building, and across Legends Plaza, is the Frank G. Wells Building which houses the Walt Disney Archives.


Frank G Wells


If you are like me, then one of the things that might fascinate you about Disney, is the history. There is so much history behind the world of Disney that we enjoy today, and thankfully, it has all been immaculately cared for and is in very good hands.

Upon walking into the Walt Disney Archives, one of my favorite displays was this recreation of what a Disney artist’s desk might have looked like:

Vintage Disney Artist Desk


I was also fascinated the the display cases full of years and years worth of souvenir items. I can just imagine what it would have been like to have been a kid back in the days when these were the types of things that you might bring home from Disneyland:

Disney ArchivesVintage Disney Souvenirs


Archivist Kevin Kern

We had a very special tour guide for our trip into the Walt Disney Archives.

Archivist Kevin Kern is literally living his dream, and it’s so neat to see someone doing that! He grew up a die hard Disney fan and worked and studied for years to eventually make his living doing what he loves: preserving, caring for, discovering and sharing the rich and exciting Walt Disney history.

Another Disney example that dreams really do come true!

Disney Archives

Kevin shared with us some really neat early Disney memorabilia, including vintage souvenir guide books, park maps and pamphlets, park invitations and more:

Disney Archives


The very first Disneyland tickets

Two of my favorite early archive items were these Disneyland tickets. The top ticket was the very first park ticket (notice the price, just $1.00!) which was purchased by Walt’s brother, Roy O. Disney, in 1955. Below that, you will see Invitational Press Preview and Dedication ticket from the same year. I can only imagine how magical it would have been to walk through the Disneyland gates in 1955.

Disneyland tickets


We also got to take a peek at some of Walt Disney’s Academy Awards. He personally won 32 Academy Awards (wow!!). A few of my other favorite items included seeing a hat from Pirates of the Caribbean (2006) and Tonto’s pocket watch and totem from The Lone Ranger (2013). It was neat to see Disney archive items from recent years, that like everything else, will in time become cherished Vintage Disney memorabilia!

Walt Disney Acadmey Awards


I’d like to thank The Academy…

I think that my very favorite part of our visit to the Walt Disney Archives was getting to hold one of Walt Disney’s Oscars. What an amazing feeling and I have to tell you, these things are heavy!

Disney Academy Award


Stay tuned for even more TOMORROWLAND excitement, as I will be sharing even more with you from my cast interviews and the screening of the movie itself! Check out my post about the TOMORROWLAND props and sneak peek to get a fun look at even more TOMORROWLAND excitement.

And … in case you missed it, Make sure to read my interview with George Clooney!

George Clooney Interview



Remember the Future!

TOMORROWLAND is rated PG and hits theaters May 22nd, 2015!!



Check out this exclusive TOMORROWLAND sneak peek that will bring you into the world of TOMORROWLAND and tease you with the futuristic possibilities:

Follow all of the excitement in social media:

Like TOMORROWLAND on Facebook
Follow Disney Pictures on Twitter
Visit the official TOMORROWLAND website

AND … a very, very special thank you to the folks at Disney for this wonderful and once in a life time opportunity that I will NEVER forget!

Meet the author – Keri Lyn

The creative and frugal mind behind She Saved for over 12 years now, Keri Lyn shares her adventures in parenting along with her love for family travel, country living and brand marketing. A self-proclaimed “brand loyalist”, Keri Lyn is known for her strong and enthusiastic voice when it comes to the products and brands that she loves. She Saved has become a community for like-minded consumers who appreciate saving money, time and sanity by getting the best deals on quality products and experiences.

Find Out More About Me

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